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Writer's pictureThe Kolbe Family

Easter Spirit & Sustenance

May the miracle of this beautiful and sacred day stay with you all year.

Without a doubt one of the most important celebrations in the Christian calendar, Easter is a holiday that celebrates the Resurrection of our Lord Jesus Christ. After his crucifixion, death, and burial, three days later, He rose from the grave. By this, He conquered death and redeemed us from sin.

We celebrate Easter because this holiday recognizes that we can die to our old way of living and resurrect into our new life with Christ.

Easter is a reminder of Christ’s undying love for us. It reminds us that hope must never be lost, for as dark as the road may seem, there is always a light that lies at the end. May this Easter bring you to God’s warm love and trust in his living grace this Easter. You will be renewed and strengthened according to the promise of our Lord Jesus Christ.

What is Easter like for our deployed Service Members?

Holidays are especially meaningful for deployed service members because these are times for assembling with family; and of course they can't. Commanders are very diligent about promoting holiday activities such as unit parties. The folks from Morale, Welfare, and Recreation (MWR), USO and Red Cross assure there are special festivities and lots of phone connectivity and internet access. All of these programs make things better for the troops, but they can't replace "doing Easter with family."

Chaplains and Chaplain Assistants add to holiday activities by providing a variety of Easter services from sunrise into the evening. Worship services allow people to experience something similar to what they would back home. Despite separation from families, Christians that usually attended their own faith group chapels, came together for that special day of Easter. It's a reminder that people of common faith are family to each other, and that when we worship, we join with the praise and prayer of our families, no matter how far away they may be.

So, keep all our deployed Service Members in your hearts this Easter Prayer.

"Heavenly Father, thank you that you defend your people with your mighty hand. Please hear my prayer as I lift up our military and veterans before you now. They work tirelessly to defend our country. Bless and protect them Lord and use their work for the good of our nation and your glory. May they know your presence with them at this time. May the grace of the Lord Jesus Christ and the love of God and the fellowship of the Holy Spirit be with them always. Through Jesus Christ, our Lord, Amen."

Ways to bring spirit & sustenance to our homeless vets

Care Package List:

Camo-Dyed Hard Boiled Eggs - Tie-Dye Easter Eggs (using earth tones)

Easy Bulk High Protein Muffins - Get Baking


Put it all together: in a Plastic Bucket With Lid

Hop into the festivities with some fun printables for the whole family!

Easter Printables for Children:

Track where the Easter Bunny is! - Easter Bunny Tracker

Printable Coloring Pages - Choose Your Prints

Printable Letter from the Easter Bunny - Love, The Easter Bunny

Easter Bible Readings:

Biblical accounts of Jesus' death on the cross, or crucifixion, his burial, and his resurrection, or raising from the dead, can be found in the following passages of Scripture:

Matthew 27:27-28:8

Mark 15:16-16:19

Luke 23:26-24:35

John 19:16-20:30

Have a blessed and wonderful Easter!

Del Kolbe & Family

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